Simple and innovative cleantech

June 26, 2012

Time magazine recently profiled BigBelly Solar and their simple but innovative solar-powered trash bins that collect and compact trash simultaneously.  The product allows for a wide range of energy efficiency improvements and has been adopted by several cities.  It’s a great example of how cleantech does not necessarily need capital-intensive investments.

If China is the “green giant,” how far behind can India be?

May 28, 2010

If China is the “green giant,” how far behind can India be?  A recent story documents how companies are trying to develop technologies, plants, and businesses that convert rice husk into power, recycle electronic waste, commission green data centers, consolidate wind and solar power, and mass produce electric cars.

Unlike China where its government is carefully orchestrating the new green revolution, India’s cleantech story is being fueled by entrepreneurs and venture capital.  Although India’s government is increasingly supporting the cleantech industry with policy, regulatory, investment, and tax incentives, its deeply democratic institutions ensure that it will be a slow albeit sure story.